Virtual Tours and Talks

The Tomb in the Field

Are you a teacher or student interested in archaeology? In this section you can access expert lectures, virtual tours and other short videos relating to Killaclohane Portal Tomb. These vital learning resources arose from two major heritage education initiatives by Kerry County Museum as part of Creative Ireland 2021 and Science Week 2017. 

Creative Ireland Event 2021: The Tomb in the Field

Since the excavation of Killaclohane Portal Tomb in 2015, extensive analysis of the archaeology of the tomb gave us a much better understanding of how it was built and used. And yet, there is so much more to discover about the vibrant local community who built the tomb 6000 years ago. In May 2021, Kerry County Museum invited ceramicist Lone Beiter O’Reilly, flint knapper and lithics expert Dr. Farina Sternke and osteo-archaeologist Dr. Linda Lynch to revisit Killaclohane Portal Tomb. In conversation with county archaeologist Dr. Michael Connolly, they went on a quest to discover more about Kerry’s first farmers based on the objects they left behind. The revisiting of the tomb culminated in a a series of virtual tours and talks, allowing us a glimpse into the lives of Kerry’s first farmers. This event was funded by Creative Ireland and supported by The Heritage Council of Ireland and Kerry County Council.

Virtual Tour of Killaclohane Portal Tomb, Dr. Michael Connolly: Watch Virtual Tour Here [12 mins]

Recreating Pottery from Killaclohane, Ceramicist Lone Beiter O’Reilly & Michael Connolly: Watch Here [14 mins]

Flint knapping skills at Killaclohane, Lithics expert Dr. Farina Sternke & Michael Connolly: Watch Here [4 mins]

Death and Burial at Killaclohane, Osteo-archaeologist Dr. Linda Lynch & Michael Connolly: Watch Here [4 mins]

Short videos for younger children:

Killaclohane Portal Tomb for children: Watch Here [2 mins]

Flint Knapping for Children with Farina: Watch Here [2 mins]

Science Week Event 2017: The Tomb in the Lab

In November 2017, during Science Week Ireland, Kerry County Museum revealed the ancient secrets of Killaclohane Portal Tomb using 21st century scienceOur most successful secondary school project to date, more than 1000 students from 14 secondary schools across Kerry attended The Tomb in the Lab, a series of discussions, demonstrations and displays, which took place at the Omniplex Tralee. We also held a series of innovative events for families and the general public at the Museum as part of the Tomb in the Lab programme. This event was funded by Creative Ireland and supported by The Heritage Council of Ireland and Kerry County Council.

The Tomb in the Lab at the Omniplex Tralee: Watch Event Highlights Here [4 mins]

The Tomb in the Lab, Expert Talk – Dr. Michael Connolly, The Archaeology of Killaclohane Portal Tomb [31 mins]

The Tomb in the Lab, Expert Talk – Dr. Linda Lynch, Cremated Human Remains from Killaclohane Portal Tomb [28 mins]

The Tomb in the Lab, Expert Talk – Dr. Kendra Sirak,  Decoding the Past – Ancient DNA from Killaclohane Portal Tomb [33 mins]

The Tomb in the Lab

Archaeological Achievement Awards 2021: The Tomb and the Museum
We are delighted that our long-term heritage education project “The Tomb and the Museum” has been short-listed for the ArchaeologyUK Council for British Archaeology (CBA) “Archaeological Achievement Awards” in the ‘Learning, Training & Skills’ category. The award ceremony will take place in Edinburgh Castle on 7 December 2021 and following projects are shortlisted in this category – keep your fingers crossed!

The shortlist for the CBA Learning, Training and Skills Award is:
– Behaviours & the Art of Applied Learning in Archaeology
– Kerry County Museum-The Tomb and the Museum. A grassroots approach to heritage education based on Killaclohane Portal Tomb, County Kerry
– MOLA Early Career Archaeologist Programmes
– ucd_experimental_archaeology -UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture (CEAMC)
– Wessex Archaeology Formal Learning Programme (FLP)
– Leeds Museums and Galleries Primary School Membership and Curriculum Planning

You can watch a short video of our project here: 

Contact details:

Kerry County Museum
Ashe Memorial Hall
Denny Street, Tralee
Co Kerry, Ireland
066 712 7777