KCM History Club
Please note that we are searching for a new home for our History Club and we will be looking for new members when we have secured a new space where we can be creative and messy again!
Explore History & Archaeology through Arts & Crafts
Our History Club is an exciting opportunity for children 6 to 12 years of age to explore history and archaeology in a fun way. Using the Museum’s exhibitions and collections as the inspiration, the club members take part in a whole array of hands-on workshops facilitated by Helena Stackpoole and Education Officer Claudia Köhler. Past projects explored the Vikings in Kerry, St Brendan the Navigator, Antarctic explorer Tom Crean and Life in medieval Kerry. We meet every Wednesday afternoon during school term in our bright and cheerful Education Room. Our annual membership is €25 per annum and this covers all arts and crafts materials. Inspired by Kerry secondary students participating in the Fridays for Future Climate Strikes, we aim to work with recycled and natural materials.
Medieval party anyone?! (Photo by Paul Tearle)
Digging up a Viking warrior in our Bone Investigator exhibition. (Photo by Paul Tearle)
History Club On Tour – In June 2014 the club went on a magical tour to Dublin, visiting the National Museum of Ireland and Dublinia & The Viking World Heritage Centre.
Tom Crean Puppet Show – In 2012 the Club members devised a puppet show based on the life of Tom Crean, which they performed to great acclaim to family and friends.
Let’s get creative and messy!
Museum Curator Helen O’Carroll shows our History Club kids Tom Crean’s ceremonial sword – the excitement was palpable!
Exploring Pangur Ban’s Discovery Trail in the Museum – did you know that Bronze ear spools were very popular in ancient Ireland?
Stone Age Survival workshop with lithic expert Dr Farina Sternke.
Flint knapping experts!
Dressing up for some medieval fun in Geraldine Tralee.
A visit to Tralee Library – in search of old maps and place names.
Exploring the history of Tralee Town Park and Denny Street with Architectural Conservation Officer Victoria McCarthy.
County Archivist Mike Lynch is showing us how to find out about the history of Tralee.
Education, Community and Outreach Officer
066 712 7777
Contact details:
Kerry County Museum
Ashe Memorial Hall
Denny Street, Tralee
Co Kerry, Ireland
066 712 7777